An OSC dictionary that implements the Audio Definition Model (ADM)
pip install adm-osc
quick examples:
from adm_osc import OscClientServer
# create a basic client/server that implement basic ADM-OSC communication with stable parameters
# + command monitoring and analyze
cs = OscClientServer(address='', out_port=9000, in_port=9001)
# send some individual parameters
cs.send_object_position_azimuth(object_number=1, v=-30.0)
cs.send_object_position_elevation(object_number=1, v=0.0)
cs.send_object_position_distance(object_number=1, v=2.0)
# or pack them
cs.send_object_polar_position(object_number=1, pos=[-30.0, 0.0, 2.0])
# in cartesian coordinates
cs.send_object_cartesian_position(object_number=1, pos=[-5.0, 8.0, 0.0])
# see documentation for full list of available functions
# when receiving an adm osc command its analyze will be printed on the command output window
# e.g.
# >> received valid adm message for obj :: 1 :: gain (0.7943282127380371)
# >> received valid adm message for obj :: 1 :: position aed (20.33701515197754, 0.0, 0.8807612657546997)
# >> received valid adm message for obj :: 1 :: position xyz (-0.2606865465641022, 0.8273822069168091, 0.0)
# >>
# >> ERROR: unrecognized ADM address : "/adm/obj/1/bril" ! unknown command "/bril/"
# >> ERROR: arguments are malformed for "/adm/obj/1/gain :: (1.4791083335876465,)":
# >> argument 0 "1.4791083335876465" out of range ! it should be less or equal than "1.0"
from adm_osc import TestClient
# create a test client, assume default address (local: '')
# test client can be used to test how receiver will handle all kind of parameters and parameters value range
sender = TestClient(out_port=9000)
# all stable parameters for a specific object
# all stable parameters for a range of objects
sender.set_objects_stable_parameters_minimum(objects_range=range(1, 64))
sender.set_objects_stable_parameters_maximum(objects_range=range(1, 64))
sender.set_objects_stable_parameters_default(objects_range=range(1, 64))
sender.set_objects_stable_parameters_random(objects_range=range(1, 64))
# all stable parameters for all objects
# see documentation for full list of available functions
from adm_osc import StressClient
# create a stress client, assume default address (local: '')
# stress client will send huge amount of data to stress test the receivers
sender = StressClient(out_port=9000)
# do stress test in cartesian coordinates
sender.stress_cartesian_position(number_of_objects=64, duration_in_second=60.0, interval_in_milliseconds=10.0)
# do stress test in polar coordinates
sender.stress_polar_position(number_of_objects=64, duration_in_second=60.0, interval_in_milliseconds=10.0)